¡Ya están abiertas las inscripciones para los nuevos cursos! ¡Apúntate!

Recomendado para estudiantes que hayan cursado el primer semestre del curso de conceptos básicos del Desarrollo de Juegos o que conozcan Scratch a nivel intermedio. El segundo semestre nos llevará al mundo de los videojuegos en 3D. Usaremos Tynker para ayudar a nuestros estudiantes a aprender a crear y codificar proyectos tridimensionales. En la segunda parte del semestre vamos a utilizar Scratch para crear juegos avanzados como Pokemon Go.

  • 14 clases (Una vez por semana)

  • 2 x 45 min ()


Fraccionados (4 pagos) $280,00

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Recomendado para estudiantes que hayan cursado el primer semestre del curso de conceptos básicos del Desarrollo de Juegos o que conozcan Scratch a nivel intermedio.

Programa del curso

Our first lesson will be mostly about getting to know the Tynker programming environment. We’ll show similarities to Scratch and some new features that aren’t available in it. We’ll develop a project in which we’ll review our knowledge from the previous semester.
In this lesson we’ll create an extensive game which will use built-in Tynker functionalities used to create games with a camera looking from above. Game will include two levels, in the first part of this lesson we’ll create the first level and program our game characters.
In this lesson we’ll continue the previous one. We’ll develop the second level of the game in which we’ll design traps, obstacles, final battle with a boss and modify our map.
In this lesson we’ll create a classic platformer in the Tynker environment. We’ll add mechanics and items typical for this type of games and create the first level of our game.
In this lesson we’ll continue our project from the previous one. We’ll finish creating the map of the first level and add a portal to the next one where we’ll fight the final boss.
Mozart? Bach? Beethoven? Maybe just a Giant? Test yourself as a musician and composer. Classical music too serious for you? You can create your own composition.
In which year was Minecraft created? What is the name of the fire starter from the Kanto region in Pokemon? What type of weapon is the rarest in Fortnite? Answer these and other questions today in our great gaming game show
Turn into a DJ and musician at the same time. Create music using everyday items. What usually seems impossible together with the Giant we can make it happen. To work!
Catch them all! Pikachu and starters from the first generation of Pokemon - Kanto are now available for catching in Scratch. Check your accuracy and throwing power, but be careful. Not every Pokemon wants to stay in the Pokeball forever. Pika Pika Pikachuuuuu.
Once again, we have to deal with the power of Pokemon. We remind you that an accurately thrown Pokeball is a greater chance of catching a Pokemon. Which one is your favorite? Pikachu? Charmander? Squirtle? Or maybe Bulbasaur? Try to catch one of them.
We did it. Another adventure is behind us. I hope that you liked it. But wait ... It's not over yet. Adventures with Programming are waiting for you. Join us today and try your hand at new places. In a week a special surprise for you - a new world that we will help you create together. You know Minecraft? If so, you will certainly be fine.
Wow! In cooperation with the Giant, we managed to open a portal to Minecraft. Step in with us and you'll learn how to program Steve to become the Lord of the World...

Programa tu futuro!
